Embark on a scientific exploration of the most complex object in the universe — the human brain!

Wonders of the Brain is an introduction to both brain science and psychology that attempts to show how human thoughts, feelings and behavior are linked to the structures and functions of the brain.

Explore the many wonders of the human brain.

Wonders of the Brain is a science kit that explores the structures and functions of the human brain including such wonders as perception, language, memory. emotion and consciousness.

An introduction and guide to the biological wonder that is the source of everything that we think, feel and do.

What's Inside the Kit?

  • One life-sized, 3-D model of the human brain
  • Two full-color mini posters of the brain
  • showing the cerebral cortex and other brain structures
  • 54 flash cards and activity cards
  • including the lobes and sensory areas of the cerebral cortex, anatomy of the brain, the five senses, perceptual illusions and much more
  • One 48-page, full-color booklet
  • with illustrations, instructions and activities

Educational Value

  • Introduces both brain science and psychology
  • Encourages exploration and creativitiy
  • Makes learning more fun and engaging
  • Boosts knowledge, vocabulary and self-understanding
  • Demonstrates the use of science to study cognition and behavior
Think you know yourself?

Designed for anyone who wants to better understand themselves and others, Wonders of the Brain offers surprising insights that may change your views about what makes us human.

All human talents — mathematics, creative writing, sports, music, sculpture, invention — originate in our brains.


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Cupertino, CA


Atriot/TwinACT LLC
Cupertino, CA